Our Mission

We want to make it dead simple for every building in the world to decarbonize. We are committed to accelerating the adoption of clean energy technologies in buildings all around the world. We start by solving the largest barrier to decarbonization: money. Currently, we're working on making it extremely easy for buildings to secure government subsidies to become more energy efficient, starting with New York.

Our Team

Isaac - Hi Everyone, I'm Isaac. I began working as a part-time apprentice HVAC technician in 2014 and have remained an integral part of the family business, helping to scale it to over 250 customers in the greater Houston area. I received two bachelor's degrees in Materials Science and Business Management from MIT. I began my professional career in Private Equity at Macquarie Asset Management, where I worked on multiple high-profile billion-dollar transactions in the carbon capture and renewable fuels space. As a former technician, engineer, and finance professional, I am now dedicated to bringing software and AI to contractors as the Co-Founder of RetroFix AI.


Daniel - I'm Daniel, I started coding when I was about 15 years old, and had the fortune to study Computer Science at MIT. I dropped out to work as a founding engineer at an early stage software startup for a little bit, and then left that job to join the Y Combinator summer 2024 batch to start RetroFix 🙂. I'm doing startups because I want to make my money by providing enough value to people that they're willing to pay me for it, and hopefully it ends up being a lot of value and a lot of people! And here I am now, working hard to make it as easy as possible for every building in the world to decarbonize. Saving the planet, one building at a time.

Our Story

RetroFix AI began with a simple question: why is the energy efficiency of my building rated a "D 48"? A walk through Canal St in the Lower East Side of NYC revealed entire neighborhood blocks of "D-rated" buildings. Curiosity settled in, and we wondered why this was the case. The more we searched, the more we learned about Local Law 97, NYC's ambition for a cleaner urban environment, and the significant amount of money required to achieve this goal. Our goal became clear: help people find money to improve their buildings and increase their energy savings. Now, we are working on a platform to automatically find and apply for incentives. We joined Y Combinator's summer batch to create something big, and we are thrilled to do it alongside you.